Restoration of the Golshansky Castle

Regional news

Recently Golshanskaya to the castle there is increased attention not only by tourists but also journalists. And this is connected with the restoration of the restoration work in the former possessions of the Princes Sapieha.
According to the decision of the Presidential Fund for the Support of Culture and Arts to hold the northern tower of the castle restoration received 250 thousand rubles. At the end of last year on the work of the State program «Culture of Belarus» has been allocated 16 thousand rubles. As the director of capital construction Oshmiany Stanislav Hilinsky that began  «Granite +» work will be completed before the end of November.

The total cost of the conservation and restoration of fragmented with the use of historical and cultural value according to the project is 1280 thousand rubles. Restoration and strengthening of the masonry of the north tower facade is nearing completion. Partially plastered wall, through which the view will be probing. Strapilnaya erected a system on which a tiled roof will fall in the near future. Already spent more than 217 thousand rubles. However, you must spend at least portion of the work, which is planned to spend more than 800 thousand rubles. In some adjustments made to the draft was written earlier. Each floor of the tower is connected to the outer staircase. It demands the restoration and strengthening of north-western wall, to which the staircase will be adjacent. Inside the tower, the walls are plastered and painted, even their signature is planned, as well as the installation of the fireplace in one of the levels.
The concept museification each level of the tower. Since the museum exposition will be «cold», the emphasis will go to a multimedia presentation, which will revitalize the architecture building. Tourists will be able to learn about the legends of the castle, to get acquainted with the archeological artifacts, obtain the necessary information about the kind of Sapieha and his role in history Golshanskaya edge.
Alina Sanyuk.

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