«It all happened in a matter of minutes.» The story of the rescue of two girls from fire in Shchuchin

Regional news


Everyone knows that matches are not toys for children. Children are told about the consequences of such pampering almost from the very first days of life, but nevertheless, children’s pranks with matches still happen, and often cause fires.

This happened in one of the families in the city of Shchuchin. The story, fortunately, found a good end, and all thanks to the timely arrival of incomparable people. But if everything were different, the consequences would be tragic.

Vitaly Vanelik, the commander of the PASP branch No. 16 in Ostrino, Shchuchinsky, ROChS, said that he had unexpectedly returned home from his shift when smoke returned from one of the windows of a neighboring five-story building.


— Immediately began to go down, on the road called rescuers, recalls the man . When I ran to the window that caught my attention, I saw a girl there. Together with a man who came to the rescue, we removed the child from the window. Frightened girl that her younger sister remained in the house. We immediately ran to the entrance, fortunately, the key to the apartment was under the rug by the door.

Vitaly said that at the moment when they managed to get inside, it was already engulfed in smoke. With the help of a flashlight, the men managed to somehow orient themselves and continue to search for the girl.

— Everything happened in a matter of minutes, it seemed as if an hour had passed, recalls Vitaly Vanelik. We looked into every room, and in the future, a girl wrapped in a blanket will appear. They took the baby outside and returned to the apartment to put out the fire. The seat of the fire was a sofa, and two buckets of water were enough to extinguish it.

The fact that the danger had passed, was reported by employees of the Ministry of Emergencies, who finally extinguished the fire with fire extinguishers. Fortunately, the girls did not suffer, they got off with only fright. Vitaly Vanelik has shown that he has been able to help in the Emergencies Ministry since 2012, and this is the first time he had to fight a fire outside of work.


— I must say that although I knew how to act correctly, what to do, I was still very worried. I can implement, survive, Oleg Snigir and Viktor Kozlov, who also remained in force for what was happening.

A little more than a month has passed since the moment everything happened. The reason for the incident, which became incredibly unhappy, turned out to be a simple child’s interest: three-year-old Zlata decided to play with matches, and six-year-old Angelica, who was with the girl at home, could not forbid her to do so.

It turned out that the girls’ mother had gone to work that day, leaving her daughters with their older sons — and in total, the family has five children. Dad was about to return home, so the boys decided to leave their little sisters for a while and went about their business. But, as it turned out, a few minutes were enough for the girls, fleeing boredom, to find fun in matches.


— We just got away from everything that happened, recalls the mother of the rescued girls Olga Yurkevich. I am very grateful to Vitaly Vanelik, Oleg Snigir, Viktor Kozlov, who showed courage and saved my daughters. Words are not enough for me to express all the gratitude that these men deserve. Their act is an example of true courage, fortitude and heroism. I sincerely and from the bottom of my heart say thank you to everyone who supported us both in word and deed. They say the truth — the world is not without good people. And our family was convinced of this from our own experience.

According to Olga Yurkevich, the simple truth that matches are not toys for children, after that unfortunate incident of her child, and the adults themselves, have fully realized.

— They often come up, apologize, say that they will never play with matches again, — shares the woman. We saw how much we were worried, how many damaged nerves and strength it took to recover. My husband and I also began to conduct conversations with children more often, to talk about the consequences of such forbidden actions. They did not scold and reproach strongly — after all, the girls were already very frightened and experienced a lot. We hope that this situation will become a lifelong lesson for all our children.

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